Why Cash Home Buyers Can Save You A Lot of Headaches

Hey folks, Oz here! Writing a quick post about how selling your house through a Realtor can be a hassle. How do I know this? I’m a Realtor!! Sometimes, when I meet with homeowners, they want a higher price than I can reasonably offer them as an investor, and they are willing to wait to find the right buyer to give them that price. So I’m able to work with those people by listing their house on the market to try to find the right buyer.

Our Farmington listing! Truly a beautiful property.
Our Farmington listing! Truly a beautiful property.

But every time I do this, I am thankful that I’m able to offer people a quicker, easier solution for selling their homes. Listing can be a difficult experience! I have a house on the market for sale right now in Farmington, CT, and it has been tough for the homeowners. The house is big, beautiful, and it’s in a fantastic location. But it needs some repairs and updates, and every potential buyer that has seen it has made that fact known. So they have ended up fixing the front porch. And replacing the hardware on the front door. And the lights above the garage. And the list goes on. And that’s not all.

Picture this: you’re sitting at home on a Sunday in the late afternoon, and your Realtor calls you to tell you there’s a very interested buyer who wants to come see the house this evening. You agree on a time, and you get your stuff together and get out of the house to allow the buyers to come through undisturbed. Then after you leave the house, your Realtor calls you to tell you that the potential buyer canceled the showing. It’s a pain! But the fact is, most people who sell their homes are willing to tolerate these hassles to get the best price. And that’s okay. But for those who aren’t, there’s a better way. And for those who CAN’T list their house for any number of reasons, there’s a better way.

We believe in what we do at Sell Your Home CT. We offer people a fast, hassle-free way to sell their home by offering them cash, closing on the date of their choice, and buying the house in any condition. Our success is directly related to the amount of people we help! It’s a great feeling. Take a look at our testimonials to see how we have helped other homeowners with their real estate problems. Whether you have a vacant property, a property that needs repairs, you’re behind on payments, don’t have enough equity to sell comfortably, or any number of problems that a burdensome property can bring you, call us at 860-255-8617! We have a vast array of tools in our toolbox to help you solve your real estate problems, and I hope we get the chance to help you!

Have a great week everyone!


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